The SimpleCxxLib package

#include "gtypes.h"

class GRectangle

This type contains real-valued x, y, width, and height fields. It is used to represent the bounding box of a graphical object.
GRectangle(x, y, width, height) 
Creates a GRectangle object with the specified components.
contains(x, y) 
Returns true if the rectangle contains the given point, which may be specified either as a point or as distinct coordinates.
getHeight() Returns the height component of the rectangle.
getWidth() Returns the width component of the rectangle.
getX() Returns the x component of the rectangle.
getY() Returns the y component of the rectangle.
isEmpty() Returns true if the rectangle is empty.
toString() Converts the GRectangle to a string in the form "(x, y, width, height)".

Constructor detail

GRectangle(double x, double y, double width, double height);
Creates a GRectangle object with the specified components. If these parameters are not supplied, the default constructor sets these fields to 0.


GRectangle empty;
GRectangle r(x, y, width, height);

Method detail

double getX() const;
Returns the x component of the rectangle.


double x = r.getX();

double getY() const;
Returns the y component of the rectangle.


double y = pt.getY();

double getWidth() const;
Returns the width component of the rectangle.


double width = r.getWidth();

double getHeight() const;
Returns the height component of the rectangle.


double height = pt.getHeight();

bool isEmpty() const;
Returns true if the rectangle is empty.


if (r.isEmpty()) ...

bool contains(GPoint pt) const;
bool contains(double x, double y) const;
Returns true if the rectangle contains the given point, which may be specified either as a point or as distinct coordinates.


if (r.contains(pt)) ...
if (r.contains(x, y)) ...

string toString() const;
Converts the GRectangle to a string in the form "(x, y, width, height)".


string str = r.toString();