The SimpleCxxLib package

#include "console.h"

This file redirects the cin, cout, and cerr channels to use a console window. This file must be included in the source file that contains the main method, although it may be included in other source files as well.
clearConsole() Erases the contents of the console window.
setConsoleFont(font) Changes the font used for the console.
setConsoleSize(width, height) Changes the size of the console to the specified dimensions, measured in pixels.

Function detail

void clearConsole();
Erases the contents of the console window.



void setConsoleFont(const string & font);
Changes the font used for the console. The font parameter is typically a string in the form family-style-size. In this string, family is the name of the font family; style is either missing (indicating a plain font) or one of the strings Bold, Italic, or BoldItalic; and size is an integer indicating the point size. If any of these components is specified as an asterisk, the existing value is retained. The font parameter can also be a sequence of such specifications separated by semicolons, in which case the first available font on the system is used.



void setConsoleSize(double width, double height);
Changes the size of the console to the specified dimensions, measured in pixels.


setConsoleSize(width, height);